Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas doings pre-Thanksgiving

Great MawMaw got The Boo a Playdough pocket knife from a garage sale so I promised to make playdough when we got home. We all made playdough and the pretend pocket knife was promptly forgotten about. So we just sat on the porch and made stuff.

The Boo practically decorated the tree all by himself so I took this of him alone. The hands on the tree are from the kids every holiday ever since The Boo was born.

I've heard riding the Pink Pig at Lenox Mall is "the" thing to do every holiday so we happened to  be in the vicinity after seeing "Dolphin Tale." Goofy kid!
This is the original Pink Pig:

In keeping with all things Christmas for the day, we went to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa.
The kids wrote their list earlier in the day and gave it to Santa so he read it right there, asking The Boo just who was he planning to use spy stuff on and The Boo pointed and said,"Her!" Santa said,"That's what I thought."
This had to be the best Santa ever. The kids and I decided this was actually Santa, not just one of his helpers we usually see.

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