Our family holiday photo!
Then we moved on to making sugar cookies when the gingerbread mix failed:

Christmas Day
The Boo's favorite present from Great MawMaw: an Ironman figure!

The The Daisy got a really cool steeplechase game from Great MawMaw:

Then Santa brought The Boo exactly what he wanted: an Optimus Prime sword:

And Great Aunt Susan gave The Daisy another favorite present - Breyer horse and rider:

The day before, all the kids did some impromptu snowboarding so here is Anthony surfing by my window

Then The Daisy gave it a try and was nervous at first but quickly got the hang of it

The Boo hardly gave up his sled so there was a lesson in sharing that he was not too keen on

I wish I could have caught the pure joy The Daisy and Anthony had on their faces going down the hill!

While the other kids had snow days, we, as homeschoolers, keep on going! The Boo worked on putting together a gingerbread man from felt
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