Last January, yes, I mean January 2010, I ripped the carpet out of my bathroom in preparation to lay some tile my friend Jane had given me. Here I laid the pattern before taking out the carpet:

Let's fast forward to last week. Yes, that's last week as in January 2011, when I finally got the tile down.
I was completely clueless as to how the process would work but my friend Regina knows how to do everything so I finally harassed her enough that she gave up a whole day to come get me started. Cristal came too and brought her handman friend Alan.
We didn't have a wetsaw so we used the tile cutter or nippers to make cuts. The Daisy got in on the nipping action and I was glad to have a temporary break.

(I had to make sure I vacuumed my bedroom REALLY well - see all those teeny-tiny pieces of tile?)
Cristal smeared the mortar on the tile like she was frosting a cake. It was funny.

I learned a whole bunch and, contrary to what anybody says, laying tile is HARD. At least I know how to do it now and am very, very thankful for the huge amount of help I got!
The Daisy wanted to help so I let her do the last bit of grouting:

Here is the finished product:
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