Back in July, the kids and I went to Columbia to see my grandmother and we went to Riverbanks Zoo.
(yes, I know I'm way behind in blogging about this. Blogging has lost most of its fun without the kids around.)
This is my MawMaw. She turned 86 this past September.
The koalas had just had a baby. When we were in the exhibit, some yahoo asked the docent if he could "pet the koala."
This is a statue of Happy the Tiger. Happy is the reason Riverbanks even began. She was in a cage at the Exxon station near 5 Points in Columbia (Pat Conroy refers to this loosely in "The Prince of Tides"). Whenever I went to see MawMaw when I was very little, we'd make a special trip to the Exxon car wash just to see Happy. Happy eventually got moved to the zoo where people could only look at her behind glass and, dramatically told, she died of loneliness.
There is something about the statues the kids love!
Creepy looking geckos!
It was purdy hot there in Columbia in July. Here is a misting thingy the kids hung around in.
We love the gorillas. One is always up against the glass. Look carefully at the photo and you can see the reflection of The Boo's face.
I annoyed everyone by standing here to get the perfect elephant picture.
Here, turtle turle turtle!
Now, you'll see we loved the giraffe exhibit! Anything where you can interact with the animals is a hit with people.
This is the first time The Boo ever fed or touched a giraffe.
The Boo and Great MawMaw
King of the boulder!
I love these kids! They are so much fun!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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