Having just had two dear friends die in the last month, I needed to escape to Atlanta to reconnect with longtime girlfriends and, lucky us that our trip coincided with my friend Bernadette's birthday. These are the flowers her husband got her (and which I nearly lost an eye due to the forsythia branches sticking out):

Bernadette is, in fact, laying down a music CD after a 20-year hiatus and her voice will blow you away! Since she must now play the part of the diva, look how cool her hair is!

We had a fabulous Mexican-style fare and we all ate until we thought we'd pop.

Lively discussion about who had a worse childhood: those of us growing up in Catholic school or ... anybody else.
This is B's producer Doug and her husband Larry, finding something hilarious:

No. 1 son Erik now sporting a mustache at 13. We met him when he was 8.

Me and The Daisy:

Just where does The Daisy get her notion to make a silly picture? Hmm, I wonder. But look how honkin' big that tortilla is!

The Boo totally ignored me all night to play Disney fairies with Ava:

More Boo and Ava:

Happy birthday, Bernadette!
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