Friday we took an impromptu field trip to Newport, Ky., to ride the Ducks (actually WWII DUKW amphibious vehicles).

The Ohio River was still 10 feet above normal so we stayed on land and it was quite the history lesson!
We learned there were underground tunnels leading from homes in Newport across the river to Cincinnati for slaves to use and escape.
This apartment building, called The Ascent, or as people at the Aquarium call it "The Shark," has an opening for one of its lower priced apartments - at $800,000. Seriously. And then there's the $2,000 a month property dues or some craziness.

The driver of the Duck has to be Coast Guard certified plus have a CDL. We were totally safe! And then there's Tom, our guide.

The Licking River is one of only six in the world to flow south to north, and empties into the Ohio River.

Wonder why I took a picture of a tugboat? That's a story for another entry. It's a good one!

Since we learned so much on our Duck tour, we ended up going to Carew Tower in downtown Cincy. It's the tallest building in the city ... but not for long. The neighboring building will be called Queen Tower and have a 14-story replica of Princess Diana's tiara and that will make it the tallest building in the city. That's it to the right under construction.

We rode up to the 45th floor, got out and hopped on a teeny-tiny elevator to take us another 4 floors. We climbed two flights of stairs, paid 2 bucks to go out on the open air observatory ... and I stood just outside the door. My back up against the wall. The wind was blowing hard and you could feel the building swaying.

Now The Daisy? She went right over and walked all around the building. "Cool!" I was petrified. I couldn't get back on that teeny-tiny elevator fast enough.

Heading out of Carew Tower, we spotted AbbyGirl Sweets, a cupcake store. $2.75 each for cupcakes and I might say that they were worth it. It was certainly a surprise detour for me and the kids.
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