Thanksgiving week we went to Three Chimneys' stallion division. I'd gone in the spring with my friend Charlie Pigg and The Daisy really hasn't forgiven me for doing so without her.
The Boo with Fredericka, the unofficial Three Chimneys tour guide. This was his favorite part of the tour. I've ruined the kid on horses.

Point Given is said to be the most easy going, polite stallion there.

The star of the stallions is Dynaformer. I wish I had taken pictures of his stall door that has dents it in from him kicking it out. He's said to be very professional in the breeding shed. I wonder what constitutes as "unprofessional"?

The Daisy sat here and wrote down all the stallion names from the graveyard. Yes, this is all homeschooling.

Here is Charlie's Old Fashioned Girl's yearling. She's gotten so big since spring!

So now I think The Daisy has forgiven me.